5 spoke vault handle  


You are looking at THE top quality, solid brass, safe/vault handle that will last forever.  The hub is 2.7″ diameter; the five spokes are 3/4″ diameter; OAL is approximately 11″ across.  An easy to install retrofit for standard size shaft (1/2″ dia.)  Our customers have been very pleased….and it will never wear out! 

Order #5SVH  $178.00

In stock, ready to ship!



SKY’S THE LIMIT….Our SAFE/VAULT handles have adorned movie production stages, multi-million dollar home entrances and fabulous tree house doors.  Use your imagination…we will be happy to help you create something spectacular!


solid brass handles  

 for Vaults, gun safes, safe room doors and more

 Contact us for a quote on your custom projects.


BROOKS single spoke safe handleBROOKS-USA LOGO